Workshop Lisbon 14-15 March 2019


Thursday, 14 March 2019

9.30 – 9.45am: Coffee and workshop welcome

10.00-11.30 Session I Migration and health

Christian Gerlach, Indonesian strategic resettlement and developmentpolicies in East Timor, 1975-1985, framed against the background of generalIndonesian development policies

Philip Havik, Rural transformation and public health: vertical disease controlprogrammes in late Portuguese colonialism

11.30-11.45: Coffee break

11.45-13.15 Session II Land and labour

David Anderson, Land Consolidation as Counter-Insurgency in Kenya’s MauMau Rebellion, 1953-60

Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo and José Pedro Monteiro, The development ofsecurity: Social policies in Portuguese late colonialism

Lunch 13.15-14.30

Place: Real Parque (Street: Av. Luís Bívar 67, 1069-146 Lisboa)

14.30-16.00 Session III Frontiers and experiences of security

Aditya Kakati, Developing borderworlds in the time of counter-insurgency: theIndo-Burmese frontiers at large after global war

Alexander Keese, Neutralising ‘unruly Cape Verdeans’: the strategies ofwinning hearts and minds in Cabo Verde’s Barlavento, 1961–1974

16.00-16.15: Coffee break

16.15-17.45 Session IV Knowledge

Miles Larmer, ‘Decolonising’ ‘development’: knowledge production in the latecolonialand post-colonial Central African Copperbelt

Cláudia Castelo, Signalizing “inharmonious landscapes” in colonial Africa: therole of Portuguese Human Geography in wartime

Dinner 19.30

Place: Fábrica Imperial (Street: Rua Marquês de Fronteira 113A, 1070-292Lisboa).

Friday, 15 March 2019

9.30-10.00: Coffee

10am – 12 noon: Session V Gender and age

Moritz Feichtinger, Playtime behind barbed wire: Memories of childhoods inresettlement camps

Stacey Hynd, Gen[d]erationalizing Counter-Insurgency: Gender, Race andGeneration in Juvenile Rehabilitation and Community Development, 1955-60

Andreas Stucki, Feminizing Development and Social Control in Africa’s IberianColonies, 1950s-1970s

12-1pm Final thoughts and roundtable discussion, led by Martin Thomas

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