Gert Oostindie

Gert Oostindie gert-oostindie-200-wide-croppedis Director of the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, and Professor of History at Leiden University. His principal areas of research were Latin American and particularly Caribbean studies for the first decades of his career. In the last decade, he moved to broader themes in Dutch colonial and postcolonial history in a comparative perspective. Over the past three years, Oostindie has supervised a research project on the decolonization war in Indonesia, 1945-1949. Among his recent publications relevant to the present network are two books, Postcolonial Netherlands. Sixty-five years of forgetting, commemorating, silencing (Amsterdam University Press, 2011) and Soldaat in Indonesië; Getuigenissen van een oorlog aan de verkeerde kant van de geschiedenis (Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2015, with the cooperation of Ireen Hoogenboom & Jonathan Verwey). The latter book was published in Indonesia as Serdadu Belanda di Indonesia 1945-1950; Kesaksian perang pada sisi sejarah yang salah. Jakarta: Obor, 2016).
